App Store yuklanmalari
Psiphon Pro for Android in the Google Play Store
Google Play Marketdan Psiphon Pro dasturini yuklab olib (faqat ba’zi mamlakatlarda ishlaydi) – Internet erkinligiga hissa qo‘shing.
Psiphon for iOS in the Apple App Store
All of the apps on your iPhone or iPad will access the Internet through the Psiphon network. Available for iOS 10.2 and higher.
Psiphon for Macs with Apple silicon in the Apple App Store
All of the apps on your Mac will access the Internet through the Psiphon network. Available for all Mac computers with Apple silicon. Check if your Mac has Apple silicon.
Psiphon Browser for iOS in the Apple App Store
Access your favorite web sites and services through the Psiphon network with our easy-to-use web browser. Available for iOS 8 and higher.
To‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri yuklanmalar
Android uchun Psiphon ilovasini yuklab olish havolasi
Agar Google Play Marketga ruxsatingiz bo‘lmasa, Android uchun Psiphon ilovasini to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri yuklab olib ("tashqi manbadan") o‘rnatishingiz mumkin.
Windows uchun Psiphon
Works on Windows 10 and 11.
(Legacy builds are available for Windows XP and Vista, and for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.)
E-pochta orqali yuklab olish
Agar saytimiz yoki yuklab olish havolalari bloklangan yoki senzura ostida bo‘lsa, dasturni e-pochta orqali yuklab olishingiz mumkin.